Chemical Solutions

Zinc Nickel Plating

If you are interested in getting into Zinc Nickel plating, you must first decide what type: acid or alkaline. Both systems provide over 1000 hours of salt spray, can be plated in both rack and barrel and provide an alloy of 12-15% Nickel.

Acid Zinc Nickel Advantages

  • Faster plating rate – up to 30% faster than alkaline systems
  • Can be plated on hardened and cast metals
  • Lower operating cost
  • Uses Zinc and Nickel anodes – no costly mixed metal anodes
  • No carbonates to freeze out
  • Easier to waste treat – no cyanide generation

Alkaline Zinc Nickel Advantages

  • First system developed & most common in the market
  • Liquid additives with single rail mixed metal anodes
  • Very good alloy uniformity
  • Less tendency to burn in high current density
  • Good throwing power


PAVCO has been in business since 1948 and their commitment to the metal finishing industry is on display at their new research and development complex shown here: PAVCO Research & Development Facility

NiClipse™ C is an acid zinc/nickel plating process that offers exceptional corrosion resistance, uniform alloy distribution and covering power, especially over cast substrates. NiClipse™ C deposits easily accept clear, yellow or black passivates. NiClipse™ C produces a fully bright deposit for rack or barrel applications.

  • 1,000-3,000 hours to red rust in salt spray
  • Uniform nickel content between 12–16%
  • Produces ductile zinc nickel deposits
  • Low temperature application
  • Suitable for rack and barrel
  • Can be full bright or semi-bright
  • Ammonium chloride free

Ziniloy™ 3028 is an alkaline zinc/nickel alloy plating process offering exceptional corrosion resistance. Ziniloy™ 3028 produces bright deposits of a zinc/nickel alloy with excellent distribution and covering power. Ziniloy™ 3028 is suitable for either rack or barrel plating. Ziniloy™ 3028 deposits easily accept clear, yellow or black passivates. Passivated deposits retain excellent corrosion resistance, even after 24 hours of a 250°F (120°C) temper.

  • 1,000+ hours to red rust in salt spray
  • Nickel alloy between 12-15% across all current density ranges
  • Readily accepts passivates and conversion coatings
  • Bright zinc nickel deposits
  • Suitable for rack and barrel

Pavco ZiNi™ Strip is specifically designed for stripping Zn/Ni alloy plating from steel substrates. ZiNi™ Strip eliminates the nickel smut that remains with typical stripping media. Reduction of the overall concentration of acid makes ZiNi™ Strip an economical method for stripping both alkaline and chloride based zinc/nickel alloys.

  • Is used in hydrochloric acid.
  • Eliminates all nickel smut.
  • Speeds up the stripping process.
  • Requires lower acid concentrations.
  • Used at room temperature.
  • Economical to use.


