Standard business hours are 8 am to 4:30 pm Central Time. After hours, please leave a message on the office phone at (262) 241-3200 or contact your local technical salesperson on their mobile phone. Messages left on the office phone will be responded to first thing the following morning. For a chemical emergency please contact Chemtrec at 1-800-424-9300 or Mark Sheldon at (414) 234-0458.

Please call the JSA office during office hours at 262-241-3200 or email us at orders@jsamc2.com

Please call our office at (262) 241-3200


JSA manages the chemical inventory in 3 warehouses: Chicago, Minneapolis, and St. Louis. Depending on your region, your chemicals will most likely ship from the closest of these 3 locations within 24-48 hours. New products and non-stock items will drop ship directly from the manufacturer and may take longer. Nearly all the metal finishing equipment JSA supplies will drop ship directly from the manufacturer and are subject to their stocking and manufacturing process. All orders will be responded to within 24 hours and include an estimated ship date.

The main JSA office and laboratory is located in Southeastern Wisconsin, and we have direct salespeople servicing 11 states in the Midwest: Illinois, North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Iowa, Nebraska, Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, Michigan & Wisconsin.

Please contact our office at 262-241-3200 to be transferred directly to the salespersons mobile phone. Click here to meet our team.

Please follow the link on the individual product pages to request a quote, or contact your local technical salesperson. For all other inquiries please contact our office at 262-241-3200 or email info@JSAmc2.com.

Please contact your local technical salesperson. If they are not immediately available, please contact Mike Lindemann or Ben Zweiban in the JSA office 262-241-3200.